Stage 2 Exploration OIf Mechanized Outcrop Stripping At Ishkoday Gold Project
TORONTO - Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc. reported on the advancement of the Stage 2 Exploration Campaign on the Corporation's 47 km2 Ishkoday Gold Project. The 18-month exploration program, initiated in May 2018 has the strategic objective of outlining the bulk precious and base metals upside potential at Ishkoday. The Campaign follows a successful Stage 1 field validation work that not only validated precious and base metal results from a number of selective historic mineralized veins, but also produced significant selective grab sample assay results in new areas.
The Campaign is centered on mechanized stripping, channel sampling and assaying along several strategic NW-SE 400m to 500m outcrop stripping lines as a first pass assessment of the bulk polymetallic veins in the 3km by 1km Target Area. Two lines were completed. Trees were cut followed by the mechanized shovel removal of overburden; outcrop cleaning using high pressure water; water recovery in pits and re-use for outcrop washing; channeling at 0.2m to 1.5m intervals using a gas-powered saw; sampling, bagging and tagging by field technicians using ALS Laboratory tags, and geological mapping of the main rock types, structures and mineralization. The field work is being done by qualified geologists and technicians from the exploration service provider Explo-Logik Inc.
Located approximately 350m W-SW of the part producing Sturgeon Lake Mine's No. 3 Quartz Vein, Line T18-2 extends 500m in a NW-SE direction at right angle to the orientation of geological. Bedrock outcrop coverage is approximately 80%. The geology consists of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks (fine to coarse tuffs, rhyolite/dacite flows, and several generations of crosscutting mafic dykes). Sulphide mineralization (pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) is rare but increases in narrow NE-SW and N trending shear zones.
The southernmost third of the stripped line shows an increase in shearing, brittle deformation and quartz veining and sulphide development, within generally more siliceous host rocks (principally rhyolites) offering a significant positive topographic relief. Two major vein sets were identified including the newly discovered 040° Bootleg Quartz Vein (the "Bootleg") that may be the SW extension of the "85-A2" Quartz Vein located more than 1km to the NE. Significant shearing of the host rock has produced a quartz-chlorite-sericite-carbonate schist, more than 50m wide, bearing minor pyrite and numerous centimetric NE-SW trending quartz and quartz-iron carbonate veins, located 70m SE of the Bootleg.
The overall plan of the mechanized stripping, channel sampling and assaying remains to determine if most or a selective portion of the hundreds of quartz veins identified by previous workers, and subsequently by Laurion, carry gold, and if the gold mineralization is restricted to specific areas, whether in higher level intrusives, such as the feldspar porphyry of the Sturgeon River Mine, and/or polymetallic veins and/or structurally more deformed corridors, such as in quartz-sericite schists as identified in several outcrops of the Target Area.